“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde.


Flor Farsadi HR Manager

Flor Farsadi

HR Manager

I had the pleasure of working with Tiffany as my coach, and I can confidently say that she is exceptional at what she does. Tiffany possesses a unique ability to understand their clients' needs deeply and tailor their approach accordingly. Her listening skill helped me a lot to talk about my challenges. Throughout our coaching sessions, she listened carefully with super nice attitude and provided me invaluable guidance, encouragement, and insights that have had a profound impact on both my personal and professional development. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking transformative coaching experiences.

Barcelona, Spain.



I had been struggling with two significant challenges in my life:

  • Being a people pleaser and not knowing how to say no.
  • Carrying the weight of a complicated relationship with my parents.

Having already invested over EUR20k in coaching and worked with three different coaches before discovering Tiffany, I can confidently say that I am well-versed in the realm of personal development and coaching. While each coach I worked with brought their unique approach and expertise, Tiffany's impact on my life was truly exceptional. Her warm and non-judgmental energy made me feel safe and supported, and her coaching style proved to be the missing piece that helped me overcome my struggles. I am grateful for the insights and breakthroughs I experienced while working with her, and it's evident that Tiffany's coaching has been a remarkable catalyst for my personal growth and transformation.

I achieved the following breakthroughs:

  • Setting boundaries became much easier for me in my interactions with friends, co-workers, and family members. Although it felt uncomfortable at times, I pushed through and stopped being a people pleaser. Now, I confidently say no and assert my boundaries. The rewards have been immense: I feel an overwhelming sense of pride each time I speak up my truth, and I've gained a significant amount of time and energy that I can channel into my personal growth and business endeavors.
  • Tiffany's coaching was the key to finally taking the first step towards addressing my emotional baggage with my parents. This burden had been holding me back, and I had sought help from various sources, but nothing truly moved me until I worked with Tiffany. After our sessions, I found the motivation and commitment to initiate a heart-to-heart conversation with my parents. This step allows me to understand them on a deeper level while expressing my own emotions, thoughts, and feelings. As a result, I no longer feel like a victim in the relationship, but rather, I am taking ownership and creating a new, positive dynamic.

In conclusion, Tiffany is an exceptional coach, and I am incredibly grateful for the invaluable help she provided. Meeting her has undoubtedly been one of the most transformative and rewarding experiences of the summer of 2023!

Berlin, Germany.
Meghan Opitz

Meghan Opitz

Founder and CEO of Insposphere

Thank you for being an amazing coach. I should have reached out to you so much sooner. My whole life improved thanks to coaching with you. First and foremost, your presence was welcoming and assuring. I knew I could trust you with my deepest fears and silliest thoughts. You have this special ability to find the sweet spot between supportive and challenging in a way that enables me to grow outside my comfort zone. Your thought provoking questions are just what I need on so many levels, and still pay dividends still today. Partnering with you, truly is transformative and is worth the investment. You have such a gift! Thank you for sharing it with me.

Berlin, Germany.
Miguel Laburu

Miguel Laburu

Founder of Haweas

I was introduced to Tiffany by a close friend who highly recommended her to help me reach my full potential. Right from the beginning, Tiffany established a welcoming atmosphere that fostered trust, enabling me to share both personal and professional matters with her. Her unique personality, blending a kind yet respectful sense of humor with pragmatism, gently guides our conversations to delve into the issues at hand and raise awareness of areas for growth. Each session concludes with a concise summary of the key insights that will truly make a positive impact on my life.

Lauren Doneathy

Lauren Doneathy

Facilities Manager

It’s hard to write down in words everything I gained from my time with Tiffany or everything she helped and guided me to do, as there are feelings and euphoric moments that just cannot be described in words, that without Tiffany's very good choice of words, helped me get to myself. She has become like my right arm I never knew I needed. I was skeptical at first as I didn't see how I needed it or wanted it but agreed with my mother I would give it a try. I have gained more from Tiffany than I have ever gained from anything ever. There has been amazing euphoric highs but have also been some very good lows where I managed to have an epiphany and realise a lot, letting myself let go, and develop with more confidence as a mom, but also just me. With Tiffany's guidance she taught me to shift my thought process slightly and listen to my inner voice, what I want as me, not just as mum or daughter but ME. I would highly recommend Tiffany even if you are on the fence or a bit lost within, for sure this life partner is for you. Thank you.

Sóller, Spain.
Petra Balenovic Founder of Bongolala Boutique

Petra Balenovic

Founder of Bongolala

I was stuck. Unable to move forward, not knowing how to break a cycle that was making me unhappy, bitter and resentful. All I knew is that I needed help so I started coaching with Tiffany. The sessions with her have had such an immediate and positive impact on me. I have had major breakthroughs through a seemingly simple yet powerful method of coaching. I love it and highly recommend Tiffany. She creates a safe space where you can explore yourself with no judgement, only kindness.

Mali Lošinj, Croatia.
Ignacio Miralles de Imperial Review

Ignacio Miralles de Imperial


Tiffany is the full deal when it comes to coaching. She brings you to another level when it comes to master the navigation through, both, personal and professional challenges; you can feel the personal growth throughout her session. Her skills and knowledge with Energy Leadership is something that should be mandatory for everyone to experience at least once in life. She is neat on her approach and feels close, not judgemental, and extremely useful. She pushes you to change the way you manage your big and small matters. Thanks, Tiffany, for the experience.

Hilversum, Netherlands.
mg's Review

M. G.

Commercial Director

Tiifany, merci pour ta qualité d’écoute, ta patience et tes conseils qui m’aident chaque jour à mieux comprendre ceux qui m’entourent et pouvoir les aider, I don’t give up.

"Tiffany, thank you for your listening skills, your patience and your advice that helps me everyday to better understand those around me and be able to help them, I don’t give up."

Madrid, Spain.
Picture of Miguel Rodriguez Villarroel

Sr. Miguel Rodriguez Villarroel

Business Developer

Tiffany has helped me to reflect on my professional career and get more clarity on what to do next. Evolving a career it’s a lifetime journey full of ups and downs, and after 11 years I felt the need to review achieved goals and future expectations. Thanks to Tiffany I’ve started to focus, set back my priorities and get ready for a new chapter.

Bilbao, Spain.
Picture of Carlos Roldan Entrepreneur

Sr. Carlos Roldan


After I had tried different coaches, with Tiffany is the first time I found someone who is working as a guide and focusing on understanding your needs, your values and your skills and starting your personal development. Tiffany works in a really close, honest and personal way affording her knowledge, but the most valuable is her maturity and personal experience that helps you take perspective of the situations you have to confront.

Girona, Spain.
Damien Collignon International business developer

Mr. Damien Collignon

International Business Developer

Tiffany is a down to earth inspiring coach. Always challenging you in your own best interest without ever being judgemental, she has helped me on many occasions. Lately, I was confronted with very challenging personal and emotional challenges, almost existential choices. Tiffany recommended me to be very pragmatic, to collect as much information as possible instead of assuming and then make up my mind. And guess what, she was right ... and many of my assumptions were flawed. I definitely recommend Tiffany as a great and reliable life advisor.

Copenhagen, Denmark.
Adrien Grenier Audio Engineer

Mr. Adrien Grenier

Musician/Audio Engineer

I started working with Tiffany not knowing what to expect from coaching since it was the first time I did it. To my great surprise, working with Tiffany was truly amazing. She has a very developed emotional intelligence and can understand people pretty clearly and truthfully. She also has a huge heart and is willing to give all she can for you to achieve any goals you fix and be a better version of yourself. Very quickly, our weekly meeting became a call between two friends, which I was always looking forward to. Without putting pressure but still maintaining the vision of the goals set, Tiffany brought me with ease, enthusiasm and kindness where I wanted to be. I can't thank her enough for having been so attentive, caring and supportive!

Barcelona, Spain.
Daniel Purger Founder of DailyJobs

Mr. Daniel Purger

Founder of DailyJobs

Tiffany is an amazing person with a lot of experience and a great sense of humour. She helped me see things from a different perspective, improve my management skills and to organize my private and business life in a healthier way. I can recommend working with her to 100%, you can immediately feel that she likes what she is doing and because of that she is able to share her positive energy even in difficult and stressful situations. In the meantime I consider her a friend and I am really enjoying every conversation we have.

Barcelona, Spain.
Ignacio Cristobal Gallo Campos Founder of Escuela de Actividades Naturales

Sr. Ignacio Cristobal Gallo Campos

Founder of Escuela de Actividades Naturales

Outstanding coaching abilities is what you will find and feel with Tiffany. Her skills and business - life experience is vast. But it not that what you will love from your interactions with her. What you will get is a feeling of being understood, challenged, and motivated to a point where alone you wouldn´t. She is without a doubt an expert in being a valuable part of your own project, business or life. Better both!. I couldn´t be happier and more grateful for the advice I´m getting from our coaching sessions. Thank you with all my heart Tiffany.

Girona, Spain.

Tiffany is an Professional Certified Coach (PCC) which was awarded by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), the leading global organisation dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards. Tiffany trained at the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). Tiffany is also an Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) and a COR.E Transitions Dynamics™ Specialist (CTDS).

Tiffany Barnard's Professional Certified Coach (PCC) badge awarded by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Tiffany Barnard's Certified Professional Coach (CPC) badge awarded by the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) Tiffany Barnard's Energy Leadership™ Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) badge awarded by the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) Tiffany Barnard's COR.E Transitions Dynamics Specialist (CTDS) badge awarded by the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) Tiffany Barnard's International Coaching Federation (ICF) membership badge